mission statement

I, Kyle "KDOG" Meyer, am creating this blog to document an exciting time in my life. I will use it to provide pictures, updates, entertainment and useful information to family, friends, and the internet community.

Friday, December 16

tribal face paint

love and light around the circle

danced till the sun came up yesterday. was announced MVP at our daily meeting because I was all ways ready and willing to help. we sang some sweet songs and the drummers rocked it. before entering the circle last night I got a sticker put on my forehead and didn't see what it was. after in the circle we were asked to draw a symbol of something that has meaning to us using rice flower on the dirt. I drew a smiley face and after going to the bathroom I seen the sticker on my head was a smiley face flower. no one else had that sticker so it seemed pretty darn ironic. called more farms today and they were booked so I might be switching my plans up slightly. everyone here is very nice and promotes peace and love. hippies. ha. excites for these next 2 nights, more dancing round the fire, no drugs, no alcohol, just music dance, love and light.

Wednesday, December 14

da boys

da boys. haha these guys are great, all travelers, good musicians, film maker, just liven it up in Waikiki for the moment. kicked it with these fellas a few nights, went to a bar after kickin it one night to get out of the rain, drinks were super taxed. 5 bucks for a draft. I bought one then hit the dance floor, waited outside after the bar closed and met this girl from Sweden. she was pretty and nice and we kinda just walked around for a bit then it started to rain crazy again. we were comedians for bit and also keep telling ourselves how beautiful the rain was to distract our minds from thinking damn I'm soaked. we went to a dance club and tore the floor up. after that I helped her find her hostel using my phone. wished I could of stayed at the hostel and meet some more people but all were booked. I talked to kid at the bar who worked at one and he said it was the biggest hostel week of the year. iowa city still beat it out. I told that to the girl from Sweden and she told me " you are here and it's now". I got a late bus and did some writing them made it to my buddy's where my pack was and passed out on his couch. I owe a huge thanks to them for being so kind and generous to me. thank you corey and liz. I really hope to find a cool way to kick back the people who have helped me on my journey so far. I will! I called some farms on big island today and one told me they were booked and it's a super busy time of year for wwoofing. I called he next farm that has horses and such and she said she doesnt think it will be a problem if I come. she said she just had a large group leave and more were on there way. I gave her my woofer I'd number so she could check out my profile and she said she would get back to me tomorrow. I signed up to volunteer for the mystic island fest on Maui from feb 26-30. I might stay with a friend of some of my friends for a night there too but will be contacting farms in my free time this week for Maui. meeting a lot of sweet people here at the fire tribe gathering and am excited for the rest of the week. last night got real cold on the mountain but I had long underwear on deck. my tent has stayed dry on the inside dispute the occasional heavy rainfall. I've been eating good getting a little exercise. migt stay in a hostel between this gathering and rainbow or might stay with friend met at this gathering. I'm going to try to keep posting but I know I will be busy. if I don't I will keep notes of highlights. aloha and mahalo for reading.

where the ocean meets the sky and the sun says goodbye

my mobile place for the next few months

gotta represent my Bob marley flag. it's been with to countless festivals. reminds me of home.

fire, fire on the mountain

getting close to the clouds

campground for fire tribe gathering

Monday, December 12

past couple days hawaii

I wen to the farmers market, climbed devils head crater, almost quit 3/4 the way up because I was really tired and was worried about coming down but I got to the one peak. me and my buddy went to the hooka bar one night to see a band and to smoke hooka, drank beers, next day went to the beach and a park to play some frisbee golf with trees. went out last night not knowing where I was going to stay which was kinda exciting. went to find some street performers and seen a group of traveling dudes I met a few nights previous at a bus stop. they invites me to sit and chat for a min. ended up doing some beatbox and freestyles. went an walked around and looked up some hostels bus most were full. chilled at a bus stop for awhile then started walking again. ran back in to the dudes from the bus stop an they met this kid from new York who came here to golf for a couple days and we all ended up going to his hotel to chill out for the night. all the guys were really cool and am glad to have those connections and learned about some cool music and instruments. the guy from new York also had some badass videos he filmed and produced. tonight is unknown and tomorrow heading out to a private camp ground for the fire tribe gathering. hope my solar powered phone charger come in the mail today. had to leave some o my clothes , hammock, and non essentials behind to lower the weight of my pack but think I might take some of the things I the rainbow gathering to give. might not post till next Sunday to highlight the fire tribe gathering. had a good talk with my homie laYza beam last night too. the kid is good vibes and fell we can learn a lot from each other. attitude is gratitude. peace y'all


Friday, December 9


started to try to open the coconut by using the caveman approach and started beating it on a hard surface then used my paws to rips the skin off. decided to use my multipurpose tool with pliers to rip the skin off and then used the saw part once I hit the hard center. it would of been easier with a machete but I didn't have one. the water inside was delicious and the meat was ok.

Thursday night at the park

A friend of a girl I couch surf requested told me about this event at the park that was tonight. good music, good weather, good entertainment and some very people. met 7 people, hope to see again sometime.


what a treat to top off an awesome night

so I came back to my homies crib in time to catch them before they turned in for the night and they bust out this badass stuffed pepper and rice. after they went to bed and I finished the pepper I had to kneel down and thank whatever loving powerful force that made this shit happen. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Thursday, December 8

day 2

woke up feeling refreshed and as was welcomed to the day by 2 sweet dogs. found that I was able to ride a bus to pearl harbor so after missing a bus and going to a grocery store to get change I was on my way there. called my grandpa whitey to wish him a happy birthday and was happy to hear he plans on living at least another 30 years. called my grandpa Ron to let him know i was there because he was in he navy and i tought he would enjoy hearing that im out there. it was nice that it was free to get in but the uss Arizona display was closed for the day. there are still over 900 seamen still on board the sunken ship. reading about all the sunken ships brought me to a slight state of paranoia knowing my brother Kurt just set sail on a cruise with his navy crew. after leaving pearl harbor I headed to north shore where I heard the waves were the best. it was very beautiful up there. I got slapped like a bag of wine and spun like a gator by a barbarian wave. I didn't spend much time playing with the waves mabey for the fact that I wasn't with homies to enjoy it with. spent a lot of time on buses today. after returning back toward my homies I went and grabbed some slices and started walkin to homies. he had some fosters for us to drink and we just chilled out in hammocks and talked about life ect. I got him to figure out some chores I can do tomorrow to make myself seem useful. he also told me some more beautiful places I can check out. I seen the occupy Honolulu on my bus ride today and think I will be going down to hang and talk to them this week. wrote a good list of affirmations on the bus ride too which I will share soon.

Wednesday, December 7

good day

went to goodwill Honolulu today. grabbed up some perfect shorts ( nylon, cargo) especially since the shorts I had on got a hole in the crotch. went to some glass shops and met one nice dude that had beautiful glass at modest prices. he told me of a local reggae band that is playing saturday so thats on the itinerary now. hesitated in starting conversations tho on the beach and waiting for the bus which I hope to improve on. went to Waikiki and hung out, took a cat nap and enjoyed the scenery. there were places to rent boards but the waves weren't really good enough to try to surf. took the bus back to my homies. my phone helped me with directions so much. before, during making dinner, at dinner and after dinner conversations rolled about health, human brain, ourselves in 5 years, communes, occupy movement, leadership and music. i have some better perspectives now. just coolin in my hammock now and trying to plan for tomorrow. really wanted to go to pearl harbor I can't find an economical way to get there so I think in will be going to north shore to watch surfers. it has rained a few times today in 5 minute bursts which was cool. till tomorrow LoVe, PeAcE, GrAtItUdE attitude

Tuesday, December 6

I made it

had a warm welcome from my friend and one of his friends at the airport last night. went to his house where he and his girlfriend(a friend from high school) and 2 dogs had a big air mattress set up for me. they made me feel very welcome. contacted some people last night and got some leads on some more places to stay and people to meet. fell asleep listening to wind chimes and the breeze. woke up this morning and re-organized my pack, putting my extras and non essentials in the bottom of my bag. I set up my day bag and started walking towards the ocean. today I plan to learn about the bus system on the island, possible grab a camping permit, contact and arrange with more people to meet and to places to stay. Im getting excited to climb some mountains and volcanos and ready to do some farm work. if you want to stay connected with my blog with having to check it for updates you can follow by email. it's on the right side of the screen. thanks for viewing.

Monday, December 5

gift I was given before my trip

dear friend of mine gave me this book, some chocolate and a very sweet note before my departure. GRATEFUL 100 for her friendship.

Flight Itinerary

I picked window seats for my whole trip. seeing the mountains while coming into Seattle was beautiful. there was this monster mountain that dominated the others with its beautiful diamond cut peeks(my attempt at descriptive writing). I think I am going to try switching my seats for my ride home so that I will have the isle allowing me to get up and stretch easier. drifted in and out of sleep during last two flights. sat by the biggest dude on the plane on the first flight, glad it was only an hour. next flight is 6 hours long! 2675 miles!!! it will give me some time to clarify some goals I have for my trip. highly anticipating seeing friends at the airport in Honolulu.

my new house

after research found that this tent was best deal for budget backpacking. weights a little over 5 pounds and has 2 vestibules. I used seem sealer and sprayed with waterproof spray. I bought this tent, took it back, then re-bought it with a 20% off coupon saving my self 10 bucks. haha

I might sleep?

got my sleeping bag and pad at goodwill. I seen a lot of marlboro outdoor gear on my shopping adventures and it all seemed to be decently quality.

got my wings

I know you rider, gonna miss me when I'm gone

A couple years ago i told my brother Kurt I wanted a backpack likes this and 3 days later he had this pack brand new for me.

kdog in the kitchen

gotta throw out a grateful to brother nathan for lending me the nice mess kit. ive got almonds, energy bars, oatmeal. I added some cinnamon and left the flask. hoping to get some farm fresh eggs to cook on this baby. I'm also bringing a loaf of Paula sheedys award winning bread she showed me and Courtney how to make. some organic peanut butter in my bag and I'm going to be fueled for success. GO HARD 100

personal products and such

dr bronners soap is the pie shake. I'll be using It to clean anything that needs cleaned. clothes, myself, cook wear, dirty thoughts, haha
bringing a lot of e-mergency
it's going down
(fog horn noises)

good vibrations

stuff to gift, trade

fur fun

poi I made
hackey sac
disc golf discs

my duds

1 pair nylon pants
1 pair convertible pants
1 pair of kaki pant (wearing there)
3 mini micro fiber towels
1 bob marley towel
1 pair shorts
1 pair swim trunks
5 pair boxers
1 pair vibram 5 fingers
1 pair Merrell sandals
2 hats
3 bandanas
2 long sleeve shirts
4 short sleeve shirts
1 jersey
1 set long underwear


my Coleman boots I bought at kmart for 20 bucks. they got all shiny after water proofing them. (one of the last items I acquired for my trip after searching eBay and thrift stores for a couple months)


Thursday, December 1

updates on itinerary 4 days untill plane ride

update on itinerary incluce

dec. 9th staying with another friend from high school for a night, interested in hearing about how the island is    treating her and her boyfriend

dec 21st rainbow renewal gathering will be on Oahu so I will not be heading to the big island until around the 5th of January.

March 7th-10th will be attending a burning man regional even on Oahu.
 Description from facebook invite : COLLIDISCOPE 2012 (March 7-10), is a 4 day Burning Man Regional event and interactive art festival near Laie, Hawaii, including a 20' effigy, fire art, performance, music, art installations, themecamps, and more. This event is a nonprofit gathering of artists, no one is making money, advertising and vending is banned inside, and you interact through gifting. Come prepared to camp, Radically Express yourself, make connections, and LEAVE NO TRACE. Tickets are $60, see www.kapilina.org for information.

i have found out that i will be able to use the YMCA on Oahu 14 times using my pass from Iowa.

Friends of mine are contacting friends of theirs in Hawaii to connect us so I will have more resources.

Grateful for my Grandpa Whitey for donating $100 to my trip
Grateful for my Grandpa Ron for allowing me to store my belongings at his house
Grateful for my Grandma Pauline for instilling some dreams in my head (RIP)
Grateful for my Grandma Rose for telling me to go chase those dreams (RIP)

Wednesday, November 23


the tour I mapped out. Hawaii at the top. old notebook entitled trip.

old list from a notebook i had

this list is over a year old but is pretty accurate to what I'm taking on my trip, added and subtracted a few things.

notes from a book I read

found these notes from the time when I think I was reading 7 habits of highly effective people.

rough itinerary:
DEC 5th: land in Honolulu, explore the city, make further plans for my trip, stay with some friends from Iowa
that live there now.

DEC 9th-12th ill be couch surfing or camping and will be doing more exploring and planning to head to the
Hawaii Fire Tribe Winter Solstice Gathering in the mountains.

Dec 13th I will be heading to the mnt. for the Hawaii Fire Tribe Winter Solstice gathering, hoping to make as many connections as possible, learn, do some writing and do some exercising.

Dec 18-19th will be in Honolulu

Dec. 20th  i will be flying to the Big Island and will he hiking my way to the Hawaii Rainbow(Renewal) Gathering
 little description of what the rainbow family according to the unofficial rainbow family website
   Some say we're the largest non-organization of non-members in the world. We have no leaders, and no organization. To be honest, the Rainbow Family means different things to different people. I think it's safe to say we're into intentional community building, non-violence, and alternative lifestyles. We also believe that Peace and Love are a great thing, and there isn't enough of that in this world. Many of our traditions are based on Native American traditions, and we have a strong orientation to take care of the the Earth. We gather in the National Forests yearly to pray for peace on this planet.

Jan 5th-8th I will be attending the HEMF (Hawaii electronic music festival) I am looking to volunteer in exchange for tickets. The best thing about volunteering is meeting and working with other people and learning.

Jan 8th I will on my way to the first farm or commune to work on. i don't have arrangements yet but do have some options. i know i will be meeting a lot of people who might give me advice on where to go and also might find some people to travel with.

Feb- I want to go to Maui and see the Road to Hana and experience that Island

March- I will be heading back to Oahu, i will be in contact with friends back home to continue to plan my return home/birthday/music video premier/variety show party. Is going to be BADASS

March 14 i will be back in Davenport, IA.

When returning home i want to stay in a lot of different places helping family or friends where ever i stay. My brothers girlfriend is having a baby girl sometime in April and my sister is also pregnant. I would like to start some gardens with these babys in mind, planting foods that can be turned into good baby food. i want to start practicing my massage therapy skills on my return home also. Making music with friends will be my fun time when i get home.

Sunday, November 13

cooking kale chips

my first video off my phone, and first youtube video. kale is a very healthy vegetable. all you need is kale, sea salt and olive oil. equipment need is: non-insulated cookie sheet and parchment paper. cut or rip the kale into bite size peaces, cover with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt. put on covered cookie sheet in an oven preheated to 350 degrees for 10-15 min.

Saturday, November 12

my future whip game

This would be a great vehicle to take the kids to disney land in. im dreaming of this tonight. bio-diesel, amphibian whip game.

i would settle for a done up old school bus though.
going to let it simmer.

Monday, November 7

right near da beach boiiii

this is the picture I've had in my office, apt. kitchen and room at parents. I've had it for around 2 years. I picked it up at the goodwill and thought it would help me shift my attention from some of the psychedelic rock posters I had around my rooms to something fresh. maps also went up. after going to a Sierra club out door leadership program I met a lot of badass people who influenced me to follow some of my dreams. it was a very positive experience. for a long time I have had the dream to travel and meet people who are different, knowledgeable, kind and sustainable. the more people I meet and the more I learn what has worked for them to be happy and sustainable is going to help me when I want to start a family base. I lived on an organic farm last summer and worked in exchange for food, housing and knowledge. when I am 30 I will have a successful farm, business and family base.

Sunday, November 6

from the time I plant the seed till it becomes reality

little dreadlock guy sculpture I made in 5 th grade. it took so long for me to manifest dreadlocks to my reality. after letting my hair grow out for over 2 years and getting dreads my senior year in high school that turned into a huge dreadlock ball and having to cut my hair I didn't know if I would strive for dreadlocks again but I did. i am proud of my dreadlocks I have now today.
it's funny that I also use to draw pictures of vans almost identical to the 2 vans I have had.

one month till lift off

working on my pack, registered for fire tribe Hawaii winter solstice gatheringwww.firetribehawaii.org/index.html. trying to get my arrangements for my arrival set. I will be staying with some friends for a few nights or will be using the websitewww.couchsurfing.org. I'll be doing a lot of exploring Honolulu for the first week there. one month to go. i will have more frequent updates.
Sent from my iPhone

just set up Mobil blogger

just set up so I can blog from my phone easier

Thursday, October 27

Plane tickets

I used Priceline.com to purchase my round trip ticket to Hawaii. Price was $736. Leaving December 5th returning home on march 14th. Leaving on a Monday and returning on a Wednesday. The amount for tickets were very day sensitive. If I were to leave on a weekend the tickets were $200 more and if I were to return on a different day weekday over $100 more.i checked with airline regulation and will be able to bring everything I need. I'm taking my mini stove that uses fuel tabs compared to mini fuel can due to regulations tho they are very similar in weight in my bag. Bought at foldable trowel and rain cover for my bag and have been still looking for a sleeping pad, hiking boots and a few clothing items. I will post soon my complete list of gear and how to seal tent seams. Thank you for reading and please leave comments!

Thursday, October 6

Just set up my blog

preparing blog and social media for Hawaii Backpacking Adventure
I will be leaving December 5th and will be returning in late March 2012. I will be attending gatherings, working on organic farms in exchange for food and education using wwoofing, going to couch surfing and maybe sum hitch hiking. I will be sleeping in a tent and will be traveling solo. I am getting a smart phone soon to help me on my trip with staying connected, directions, entertainment and to blog. I have been researching equipment to bring and how to backpack. This will be my first backpacking experience and will be my farthest leap from home. Making bussiness cards with contact information to give to people I meet along the way. I hope to provide information, entertainment and I really want documentation of this part of my life. PEACE AND LOVE YALL