mission statement

I, Kyle "KDOG" Meyer, am creating this blog to document an exciting time in my life. I will use it to provide pictures, updates, entertainment and useful information to family, friends, and the internet community.

Friday, December 16

love and light around the circle

danced till the sun came up yesterday. was announced MVP at our daily meeting because I was all ways ready and willing to help. we sang some sweet songs and the drummers rocked it. before entering the circle last night I got a sticker put on my forehead and didn't see what it was. after in the circle we were asked to draw a symbol of something that has meaning to us using rice flower on the dirt. I drew a smiley face and after going to the bathroom I seen the sticker on my head was a smiley face flower. no one else had that sticker so it seemed pretty darn ironic. called more farms today and they were booked so I might be switching my plans up slightly. everyone here is very nice and promotes peace and love. hippies. ha. excites for these next 2 nights, more dancing round the fire, no drugs, no alcohol, just music dance, love and light.

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