mission statement

I, Kyle "KDOG" Meyer, am creating this blog to document an exciting time in my life. I will use it to provide pictures, updates, entertainment and useful information to family, friends, and the internet community.

Saturday, February 11

coolin on maui

im writing right now from a farm on the north shore of maui. I have been here since Tuesday. activities have included weeding, harvesting, bunching delivering, forge for fruits and coconuts. I'm here with 3 other wwoofer. it has been really chill here and accommodations are straight. fridge full of food, shower, hide a bed. getting some good ideas from this place. been visualizing a lot about a bio bus, property, gardens and just stuff to strive for. before coming here to this farm I spent a week with a friend of a friend. I stayed in my tent and they lived in yurts. they feed me well and were very conscious about food. I learned that cooking food over 105 it starts to kill off a lot of the nutrients, how to make almond milk and a few other things. I helped make 2 garden boxes and made some lattice. one night there I had a dream about 2 owls and then we seen one owl and I mentioned how I had a dream of 2 and theme we seen another owl. it's a rare owl that is the only owl that hunts during the day. that day I also seen a Jackson's chameleon, and went on a sail boat and seen some turtles. it was really nerve wrecking taking a inflatable bout out to this sail boat while the waves were going and my phone wasn't in a plastic bag. on he sails boat anytime something might seem negative,
crazy Kurt the captain would use his motto, "that's sailing". it was really nice staying up on that part of the mountain for a week. I got driven around a lot of the island and got to meet some new friends. I'll be here for a week then will be heading to the burning man regional event. think I'll be able to do parking during the whole fest giving me the chance to meet a lot of people and make some money. keeping up on this blog takes more discipline the. I have right now, things move slower on he island. island time. been staring around 9'in the morning which has been real nice and access to cocos is refreshing. excited to
garden in iowa! oh yea one day while driving my buddy said he seen Oprah. haha she has property out her. he also drove me by david Bowie house, Clint Eastwood, tiger woods, Tom cruise and a couple other celebrity homes, ha maui is a sweet island. a certain neon green color feeling. it been kind windy and cool at night but heats up all most perfect once the sun comes out. see y'all soon.

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Wednesday, February 1

satellite planter

satellite turning into a planter

tongue drum

a brother camping next to me built this drum. I want to build one they sounded sweet. www.tonguedrum.com . need good wood though. might be able to make one at the property I'm on.

mystic island fest

mystic island fest was all right. nothing like a midwest music fest. was way more new age. there was one food vendors with raw foods and it was 5 bucks for very little. there was a general store an restaurant down where I mainly ate. I got a loaf of bread and peanut butter and jelly at the general store and it cost 16 bucks. shoot. when I left the fest and went and stayed with the first night I was on maui. I brought quinoa, braggs, chicken, mushrooms, red pepper, broccoli, garlic and cooked it up for us. it was nice to share a meal with people and to. cook for them since they cooked for me. I left the next day and went to a beach park and read the urban homestead waiting for a friend of a friend who is from Iowa to pick me up and go work on some projects at his property.